

 职 称:高级工程师
 邮寄地址:上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号 复旦大学江湾校区交叉二号楼C4023,邮编:200438






       理学博士, 复旦大学信息学院高级工程师,中国核学会脉冲功率技术及应用分委会理事;主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,作为技术骨干参与完成了多项国家和地方科研项目。共取得国家专利二十余项,发表了近50篇学术论文。
2017.-至今      复旦大学信息学院高级工程师





  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:电磁感应式自触发快脉冲直线变压器驱动源研究(51407033),2015~2017; 项目负责人;
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,纳秒脉冲介质阻挡放电特性研究,2007-2009年,技术骨干;
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,快脉冲放电等离子体降解难降解有机废水研究,2011-2013年,技术骨干;
  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微空阴极阵列放电触发开关研究,2013-2016年,技术骨干;
  5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,重复频率开关脉冲功率关键技术研究,2009-2012,技术骨干;
  6. 国防973重大专项子课题:大规模开关XXX技术研究(一),2010~2014,技术骨干;



  1. 上海市科委长三角发展项目:等离子体放电处理城市垃圾渗滤液技术,2011-2012;
  2. 上海市经信委军民结合专项:脉冲等离子体放电用于废气净化处理,2015-2016;



  1. 哈尔滨工业大学激光国防重点实验室课题:染料激光器高功率电源系统研究,2008-2009年;
  2. 长虹集团课题:纳秒脉冲驱动提高PDP光效研究,2009-2010年;
  3. 中国工程物理研究院课题:150kV 方波纳秒脉冲功率调制器,2009~2010;
  4. 西安交大国家重点实验室基金:一种介质体放电等离子体纳秒脉冲开关研究,2010-2012;
  5. 西北核技术研究所强辐射国防重点实验室基金:光导开关特性及在脉冲功率中的应用研究,2014-2015;
  6. 北京同仁堂有限公司:中药炮制有毒废水等离子体降解处理研究,2013-2014;
  7. 张家港保丽杰公司:纳秒脉冲等离子体废气治理技术研发,2014-2015;
  8. 中国工程物理研究院课题:多路光导开关同步导通关键技术研究,2011-2012;
  9. 中国工程物理研究院课题: 方波高压检测电源及性能检测设备,2014~2015;
  10. 中国工程物理研究院课题:束流分析测量装置-1电源系统,2014~2015;
  11. 中国工程物理研究院课题:单脉冲触发电源系统,2015;
  12. 中国工程物理研究院课题:百千伏级悬浮高压脉冲电源研制,2014~2015;
  13. 中国工程物理研究院课题:紧凑型高压脉冲电源系统,2015;
  14. 中国工程物理研究院课题:脉冲高压电源及等离子体放电电源研制,2014;
  15. 中国工程物理研究院课题:方波电流源,2015;





  1. Jian Qiu, Kefu Liu, Liuxia Li. Stray Parameters in a Novel Solid-State Pulsed Power Modulator. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2013, 20(4):1020-1025;(SCI)
  2. Lanming Yu,Jian Qiu*,Kefu Liu and Zhuolin Tu. Model analysis and simulation of a novel self-triggering linear transformer driver. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation.2015, 22(4):1924-1929,(SCI)
  3. Jian Qiu, Kefu Liu, Yifan Wu. A Pulsed Power Supply Based on Power Semiconductor Switches and Transmission Line Transformer , IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2007,14(4) . pp:927-930.(SCI)
  4. Jian Qiu, Kefu Liu, Liuxia Li. Analysis on Stray Parameters in A Solid-State Marx Pulsed Power Modulator. Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2012 IEEE International.( EI: 20132916499876)
  5. Jian Qiu , Kefu Liu, Zhuolin Tu and Yonggang Wang.  Design and simulation of a self-triggering linear transformer driver based on capacitive coupling. Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 2013 19th IEEE. (EI: 20134917053465)
  6. 邱剑, 刘克富, 雷宇. 直线变压器驱动源多路开关同步触发技术. 强激光与粒子束. 2012, 24(4):765-769 (EI: 20122515129896)
  7. 邱剑,刘克富,雷宇. LTD多路开关同步触发技术研究进展. 第二届全国脉冲功率会议. 陕西西安,2011.9. pp:117-122(会议文章)
  8. Yifan Wu, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu , XiaoXu Liu and Houxiu Xiao. Repetitive and High Voltage Marx Generator Using Solid-state Devices. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2007,14(4).pp:937-940; (SCI)
  9. Kefu Liu, Yan Luo, Jian Qiu. A Repetitive High Voltage Pulse Adder Based on Solid State Switches. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2009,16(3):1076-1080; (SCI)
  10. Junfeng Rao, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu. A Novel All Solid-State Sub-microsecond Pulse Generator for Dielectric Barrier Discharges. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2013, 41(3): 564-569; (SCI)
  11. Junfeng Rao, Kefu Liu and Jian Qiu. All Solid-State Nanosecond Pulsed Generators Based on Marx and Magnetic Switches. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2013, 20(4):1123-1128; (SCI)
  12. Liuxia Li, Kefu Liu and Jian Qiu. Repetitive High Voltage Rectangular Waveform Pulse Adder For Pulsed Discharge of Capacitive Load. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2013, 20(4):1218-1223; (SCI)
  13. Baojie Wang, Kefu Liu and Jian Qiu. Analysis of the on-state resistance of photoconductive semiconductor switches in the nonlinear mode. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2013, 20(4):1287-1292; (SCI)
  14. Zhuolin Tu, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu and Yu Lei. A New Triggering Technology Based on Inductive Transformer for linear transformer driver (LTD) Switches. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2013, 20(4):1279-1286; (SCI)
  15. Baojie Wang, Tian Zhang, Kefu Liu, and Jian Qiu. Characteristics of the GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch Operated in Linear-Alike Mode. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2013, 60(8):2580-2585; (SCI)
  16. Baojie Wang, Kefu Liu and Jian Qiu. Analysis of the On-state Resistance of Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches in the Non-linear Mode. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2013, 20(4):1287-1292; (SCI)
  17. Tian Zhang, Baojie Wang, Jian Qiu and Kefu Liu. Investigation of GaAs PCSS Triggered by Laser Pulses With Different Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2014, 42(10):2981-2985; (SCI)
  18. Haozheng Shi, Yuanda  Lu, Tianyu  Gu, Jian  Qiu and Kefu  Liu. High-voltage Pulse Waveform Modulator based on Solid-state Marx Generator. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2015, 22(4):1983-1990; (SCI)
  19. Dongdong Wang, Jian Qiu, and Kefu Liu. All Solid State Repetitive Pulsed Power Generator Using IGBT and Magnetic Compression Switches. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2010, 38(10):2633-2638(SCI)
  20. Lan Gao, Dongdong Wang, Jian Qiu, Kefu Liu. All-solid-state pulse adder with bipolar high voltage fast narrow pulses output. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2011, 18(3): 775 – 782 (SCI)
  21. Dongdong Wang, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu. Investigation on the performance of thyristors for pulsed power applications. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2012, 19(2):623-631 (SCI)
  22. Kefu Liu, Yengqing Teng, Liuxia Li, Jian Qiu. A Gas Switch Triggered by a Microhollow Cathode Discharge Array With lower Trigger Energy. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2013, 60(2): 875-879; (SCI)
  23. Kefu liu, Qiong Hu, Jian Qiu and Houxiu Xiao. A High Repetitive Rate Nanosecond Pulsed Power Supply for Nonthermal Plasma Generation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL.33, NO.4, 2005. Pp:1182-1185; (SCI)
  24. Dongdong Wang, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu. Investigation on the performance of thyristors for pulsed power applications. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2012, 19(2):623-631; (SCI)
  25. Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu and Yifan Wu. An all solid-state pulsed power generator for plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). Plasma Science and Technology.2009,11(2).pp:220-224; (SCI)
  26. Lan Gao, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu, Dongdong Wang. All solid-state Marx modulator with bipolar high-voltage fast narrow pulses output. Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2010 IEEE International. pp:373-376. (EI: 20113414247975)
  27. Yaqing Teng, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu, Junfeng Rao. A new nanosecond switch triggered by array microhollow cathode discharge. Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 2011 IEEE. pp:730-735. (EI: 20122215060269)
  28. Yu Lei,Kefu Liu,Jian Qiu. Design of a novel multi-output synchronous trigger generator for linear transformer driver. Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 2011 IEEE. pp:629-635. (EI: 20122215060321)
  29. Zhuolin Tu, Yu Lei, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu. A New Triggering Technology Based on Inductive Transformer for LTD Switches. Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2012 IEEE International.(EI: 20132916499851)
  30. Junfeng Rao, Kefu Liu, Jian Qiu. An Efficient All Solid-State Nanosecond Pulsed Generator for Pulsed Discharges. Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2012 IEEE International.( EI: 20132916499919)
  31. Baojie Wang, Jian Qiu and Kefu Liu. Analysis of the on-state resistance influenced by the current. Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2012 IEEE International.( EI: 20132916499964)
  32. Liuxia Li, Jian Qiu and Kefu Liu. Repetitive High Voltage Rectangular Waveform Pulse Adder For Pulsing Discharge Of Capacitive Load. Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2012 IEEE International.(EI: 20132916499892)
  33. Yuanda Lu ,Kefu Liu,Jian Qiu,Liuxia Li and Yonggang Wang. A Solid-State Bipolar Pulse Adder Based On Phase-Shifted Control. Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 2013 19th IEEE. (EI:20134917053267)
  34. Zhuolin Tu, Jian Qiu and Kefu Liu. Model analysis and simulation of a self-trigger LTD module. Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 2013 19th IEEE. (EI: 20134917053366)
  35. Kefu Liu, Yan Luo, Jian Qiu. A repetitive high voltage pulse adder based on solid state switches. High Power Particle Beams (BEAMS), 17th International Conference on. pp:1-4, 2008,(EI: 20093812325132)
  36. 邱剑, 刘克富.便携式高频高压脉冲电源的研制. 第十二界全国等离子体科学技术会议. 东华大学, 上海, 2005.
  37. 王冬冬,邱剑,刘克富. 脉冲等离子体推进器电源系统的研制. 中国电机工程学会高电压专业委员会高电压新技术学组学术年会. 2008.
  38. 邱剑, 刘克富. 氙灯快速放电特性研究及系统设计. 首届全国脉冲功率会议. 安徽芜湖, 2009.9
  39. 王冬冬,邱剑,刘克富. 基于半导体开关和磁开关的全固态脉冲电源. 首届全国脉冲功率会议. 安徽芜湖.2009.9
  40. 雷宇,邱剑,刘克富. 150kV全固态脉冲发生器的设计与研制. 第二届全国脉冲功率会议. 陕西西安,2011.9. pp:29-33
  41. 雷宇,刘克富,邱剑. 基于感应变压器原理的新型LTD开关同步触发技术. 第二届全国脉冲功率会议. 陕西西安,2011.9. pp:12-18
  42. 饶俊峰,邱剑,刘克富. 基于一阶磁脉冲压缩的动态磁特性测试. 第二届全国脉冲功率会议. 陕西西安,2011.9. pp:336-339
  43. 滕亚青,刘克富,邱剑,饶俊峰. 一种新型阵列微孔阴极放电触发的纳秒脉冲开关. 第二届全国脉冲功率会议. 陕西西安,2011.9. pp:246-249
  44. 邱剑, 刘克富, 肖后秀, 胡琼.高频高压脉冲电源充电软开关技术. 高电压技术. VOL.32, NO.4, 2006. pp:62-64
  45. 刘克富,赵海洋,邱剑. 快脉冲放电等离子体用于难降解污水处理. 高电压技术. 2009, 35(1) :12-16
  46. 刘克富, 邱剑, 王冬冬. 全固态高压纳秒脉冲电源(已授权,发明专利申请号 200910049032.X)
  47. 刘克富,邱剑,赵海洋. 纳秒脉冲放电等离子体处理难降解有机污水的设备(已授权,发明专利申请号 200910052486.2)
  48. 刘卓,赵海洋,刘克富,邱剑. 基于PWM无色漂LED线性调光系统(已授权,发明专利申请号200910053001.1)
  49. 刘克富,邱剑. 一种多路开关快脉冲同步触发器(国防专利已授权,发明专利申请号201010050527.7)
  50. 邱剑,刘克富,涂卓麟. 一种电容分压式自触发直线变压器驱动器(已授权,发明专利申请号201210561961.0)
  51. 王宝杰,刘克富,邱剑,卢元达,张田. 激光二极管触发的光导开关导通性能测试装置(已授权,实用新型专利申请号:201220714982)
  52. 刘克富,邱剑,涂卓麟. 一种电磁感应式自触发直线变压器驱动源(已授权,实用新型专利申请号201220699809)
  53. 刘克富,邱剑,涂卓麟. 一种分组自触发式直线变压器驱动器(已授权,实用新型专利申请号201220700611)
  54. 卢元达,刘克富,邱剑,王宝杰,张田. 基于雪崩晶体管的半导体激光器脉冲驱动电路(已授权,实用新型专利申请号201320072210.2)

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