左光正 所在单位:电光源研究所、信息学院光源与照明工程系 |
2014年9月~2018年6月 瑞典林雪平大学,应用物理,博士
2011年9月~2014年7月 南京邮电大学 ,光学,硕士
2004年9月~2008年6月 南京林业大学, 高分子材料与工程,本科
德国波茨坦大学,洪堡博士后 (德国洪堡基金会资助)
[1]. Guangzheng Zuo, Mathieu Linares, Tanvi Upreti, Martijn Kemerink*. General Rule for the Energy of Water-induced Traps in Organic Semiconductors. Nature Materials 18, 588-593 (2019).
[2]. Guangzheng Zuo; Safa Shoaee, Martijn Kemerink, Dieter Neher. General Rules for the Impact of Energetic Disorder and Mobility on Nongeminate Recombination in Phase-Separated Organic Solar Cells, Physical Review Applied 16, 034027 (2021).
[3]. Guangzheng Zuo, Xianjie Liu, Mats Fahlman, Martijn Kemerink*. High Seebeck Coefficient in Mixtures of Conjugated Polymers. Advanced Functional Materials 28 1703280 (2018)
[4]. Guangzheng Zuo, Zhaojun Li, Ergang Wang, Martijn Kemerink*. High Seebeck Coefficient and Power Factor in n-Type Organic Thermoelectrics. Advanced Electronic Materials 4, 1700501 (2018).
[5]. Guangzheng Zuo, Hassan Abdalla, and Martijn Kemerink*. Impact of Doping on the Density of States and the Mobility in Organic Semiconductors. Physical Review B 93, 235203 (2016).
Guangzheng Zuo, Hassan Abdalla, Martijn Kemerink*. Conjugated Polymer Blends for Organic Thermoelectrics. Advanced Electronic Materials 5, 1800821 (2019).
Guangzheng Zuo, Xianjie Liu, Mats Fahlman, Martijn Kemerink*. Morphology Determines Conductivity and Seebeck Coefficient in Conjugated Polymer Blends. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 9638 (2018).
Guangzheng Zuo, Zhaojun Li, Ergang Wang, Martijn Kemerink*. High Seebeck Coefficient and Power Factor in n-Type Organic Thermoelectrics. Advanced Electronic Materials 4, 1700501 (2018).
Guangzheng Zuo, Olof Andersson, Hassan Abdalla, Martijn Kemerink*. High Thermoelectric Power Factor from Multilayer Solution-Processed Organic Films. Applied Physics Letters 112, 083303 (2018).
Hassan Abdalla§, Guangzheng Zuo§, Martijn Kemerink*. Range and Energetics of Charge Hopping in Organic Semiconductors. Physical Review B Rapid Communications 96, 241202(R) (2017).
Lorena Perdigón-Toro, Huotian Zhang, Anastasia Markina, Jun Yuan, Seyed Mehrdad Hosseini, Christian M. Wolff, Guangzheng Zuo, Martin Stolterfoht, Yingping Zou, Feng Gao, Denis Andrienko, Safa Shoaee, Dieter Neher*. Barrierless Free Charge Generation in the High-Performance PM6:Y6 Bulk Heterojunction Non-Fullerene Solar Cell. Advanced Materials 32, 1906763 (2020)
Wanzhu Cai, Thomas Österberg, Mohammad J. Jafari, Chiara Musumeci, Chuanfei Wang, Guangzheng Zuo, Xiaolong Yin, Xuhao Luo, Jim Johansson, Martijn Kemerink, Liangqi Ouyang*, Thomas Ederth, Olle Inganäs. Dedoping-induced interfacial instability of poly(ethylene imine)s-treated PEDOT:PSS as a low-work-function electrode. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8,328-336 (2020).
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